Yong-Song Ryang
East Asia Contributor

Yong-Song Ryang, originally from Tokyo, is a lecturer at the World Language and Society Education Center, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Ryang received his PhD in sociology from Hitotsubashi University with his dissertation, 1952 taisei to gendainihon no reishizumunikansuru ichikosatsu (The 1952 System and the “Neoliberal Racism” in the Contemporary Japanese Society). His research focuses on racism surrounding zainichi Koreans. Ryang is a leading scholar of racism studies in Japan and has published many works including Nihongata heito speechi toha nanika (What Is the Japanese Type of Hate Speech?; Tokyo: Kage-shobo, 2016) and Reishizumu toha nanika (What is Racism?; Tokyo: Chikuma-shobo, 2020).