‘Critical Purchase in Neoliberal Times’ is an edited conversation with Ien Ang and three members of the Cultural Studies Praxis Collective (CSPC): Miriam Bartha, Bruce Burgett, and Ron Krabill. The transcript of the conversation conducted at the University of Washington was reworked and revised by the interlocutors. The document as a whole surfaces and addresses a series of questions about engaged and community-based forms of cultural studies scholarship; multiculturalism, cosmopolitanism, and media policy; and the future of the transnational field of cultural studies in the context of the neoliberal turn in global higher education.
Articles by Ien Ang
\Ien Ang is Director of the Institute for Culture and Society at the University of Western Sydney. She is the author of many books and articles, including Watching Dallas: Soap Opera and the Melodramatic Imagination (1985), Alter/Asians: Asian-Australian Identities in Art, Media and Popular Culture (2000), On Not Speaking Chinese: Living Between Asia and the West (2001), The SBS Story: The Challenge of Cultural Diversity (2008), and an edited special issue of the Continuum: Journal for Cultural and Media Studies, entitled ‘Navigating Complexities’ (2011).\