Delores Phillips and Cultural Studies Association’s Globalization and Culture Working Group Co-Host Kathalene Razzano discuss Disorienting Politics: Chimerican Media and Transpacific Entanglements (University of Michigan Press, 2024) with author Fan Yang, along with writer and historian Mark Tseng-Putterman. This podcast is accompanied by a scholarly commentary by Marcus Breen.
Articles by Kathalene Razzano
Kathalene Razzano is a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County where she teaches courses in media history, media theory and methods, and globalization. Her research focuses on media studies, cultural studies, feminist social theory, political economy, critical pedagogy, and critical legal studies. She is chair of the Globalization and Culture working group for the Cultural Studies Association. She is author (with Loubna Skalli and Christine Quail) of Vulture Culture: The Politics and Pedagogy of Daytime Television Talk Shows (Peter Lang, 2005). Other publications include “Teaching Global Affairs: Problem-Posing Pedagogy and the Violence of Indifference” in The Sage Handbook of Critical Pedagogy (2020) and “‘In Light of this Demonstration of Crisis in Our Nation’: Paternity, Responsibility and Welfare” in Cultural Studies. She is also co-editor (with Loubna Skalli) of Lexington Books’ Gender and Activism Series. She holds a PhD in Cultural Studies from George Mason University.